把以前写的脚本语言服务端部分重新编写并编译成 #WASM 后迁移到了 GitHub Pages。六年多没有更新了(短期内没有再更新的打算),少点儿服务器运维;域名 https://tao.twofei.com 作废了

People die, but long live GitHub.

  1. https://laike9m.com/blog/people-die-but-long-live-github,122/
  2. https://github.com/yihong0618/gitblog
  3. https://josephcz.xyz/log/talk-about-github/
2024-8-1 20:58:19

尝试把域名也通过 Cloudflare 转发,发现不管是“DNS HTTPS 记录”还是“DNS URI 记录”都无效,然后试了试“Page Rules”:

Forwarding URL (Status Code: 301 - Permanent Redirect, Url: https://movsb.github.io/taolang/)

也不生效,再仔细看了 Page Rules 的文档,说是必须先要添加一条对应的 DNS 记录 😅,神经兮兮的……没添加、不报错、不生效……这种体验是人做的吗?

特别注意,添加 A 记录的时候要添加特殊的值,见文档里面:

Page Rules require proxied DNS records

Page Rules require a proxied DNS record for your page rule to work. Page Rules will not apply to hostnames that do not exist in DNS or are not being directed to Cloudflare.

Depending on the record type, you can use different values for the target as a placeholder. Either one of these achieves the same outcome and you only need to create one:

www.example.com  A
www.example.com  AAAA   2001:DB8::1
www.example.com  CNAME  domain.example

Cloudflare recommends only using reserved IP addresses or domain names to avoid sending traffic to foreign infrastructure.

添加(且代理)后解决了,现在 https://tao.twofei.com 永久重定向到了 https://movsb.github.io/taolang/

2024-8-5 02:15:33

时不时就要兴起一股写编译器的风: https://twitter.com/Manjusaka_Lee/status/1815378850328789133

桃子的碎碎念 桃子 编辑