啊啊啊,原来 position: sticky; 已经早就进入标准的 #CSS 了,而我的《CSS 定位 (Positioning)》这篇文章正好写于标准化的那一年前后……


2024-6-14 16:36:55


2024-6-14 17:39:04
2024-6-14 22:13:48

维斯百科表格中关于 <table> 的使用的描述

Common attributes for columns, column groups and row groups

The MediaWiki syntax for tables currently offers no support for specifying common attributes for columns (with the HTML element ‎<col />), column groups (HTML element ‎<colgroup>‎</colgroup>) and row groups (HTML elements ‎<thead>‎</thead>, ‎<tbody>‎</tbody> and ‎<tfoot>‎</tfoot>). Those standard HTML elements are not accepted even in their HTML or XHTML syntax.

All the rows and cells (header or data) of the table are rendered within a single implicit row group (HTML element ‎<tbody>‎</tbody>) without any attributes or styles.### Common attributes for columns, column groups and row groups

The MediaWiki syntax for tables currently offers no support for specifying common attributes for columns (with the HTML element ‎<col />), column groups (HTML element ‎<colgroup>‎</colgroup>) and row groups (HTML elements ‎<thead>‎</thead>, ‎<tbody>‎</tbody> and ‎<tfoot>‎</tfoot>). Those standard HTML elements are not accepted even in their HTML or XHTML syntax.

All the rows and cells (header or data) of the table are rendered within a single implicit row group (HTML element ‎<tbody>‎</tbody>) without any attributes or styles.

2024-6-14 23:26:51

不要用 border-collapse: separate;,除非样式写得非常完美,否则带 rowspan 的 tr/td 的 border 会重复出现。不信试试?1

  • 把用 outline 实现的 th 的 border 成文(border-collapse 的情况下);
桃子的碎碎念 桃子 编辑